Utah Professional License

Utah Professional License

Looking for in-depth information about professional licenses in Utah? We are here to help you. In this article, we will talk about the most common professions and occupations that require licensing in Utah, the process of registration with the Division of Occupation and Professional Licensing, requirements, fees, and more.

How do you get a professional license in Utah?

The Division of Occupation and Professional Licensing (DOPL) within the Utah Department of Commerce handles all the professional licensing procedures. DOPL establishes state laws & regulations for certain professions/occupations that must be licensed in Utah. The main reason for licensure requirements of professions/occupations is to guarantee public health and safety.  Here are the most common occupations that should be licensed before offering their services:

On the DOPL website, there is a secure data request online service where you can check all the professions/occupations that are licensed in Utah. You can order a download option of the profession and with/ without the address (phone, email) or search the specific profession type and find out information about it.

Now let’s discuss how you can register with the DOPL and the main requirements for professional licenses.

The process of registration and licensing with DOPL

Once you are certain about the type of profession/ occupation you want to choose from, it’s time to know the process of registration with DOPL in Utah. DOPL is responsible for two primary functions which are licensing and investigations. For the licensing function, the responsibilities are divided among 7 bureaus that regulate the specific occupations and professions. There are minimum standards of professional licensure that applicants for their respective professions/occupations should meet.  For instance, if you want to become a licensed social worker here are the main steps you will go through when applying for a license:

  • Decide the type of license for your social work. There are three licenses for social workers: Social Service Worker, Certified Social Worker (CSW), and Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW).
  • Apply for ASWB pre-approval and take the examination. To become a licensed social worker you should pass the pre-approval through the Association of Social Work Boards and then pass the appropriate ASWB exam. The application fee is $60 and the passing score of the exam is 70.
  • Complete the license application. Once you have successfully passed the exam apply for a license through DOPL. To do so, first, go to dopl.utah.gov download the form, and complete the application. You will need to submit your official transcripts along with your application. It will take 2-3 weeks to receive your license.

To find out more information about the types of licenses for social workers and the application process visit the DOPL website.

In addition to the professional/occupational licenses that are regulated by DOPL, there are industries that will require licenses to offer certain services. For example, businesses related to food establishments should apply through the Utah Department of Health for licensure. Businesses in child care and salvage yards should also obtain a license.

How do I change my address with DOPL?

In order to change your address or mail with DOPL, you need to contact the Division via mail or email. With the requested change you should include your name, license number, and the last four digits of your Social Security number. Here is the contact information to change your address as well as help you to answer the general licensing questions you may have:

(801) 530-6628
(866) 275-3675 Toll-Free in Utah
[email protected]

Mary H

Mary H

Being a skilled creative writer and SEO content writer, with 2+ years of experience I can't imagine any other profession to fulfill my life as much as writing does. As a proud member of geek culture, I enjoy reading, writing, watching Sci-Fi gems, while also advocating the involvement of young, bright-minded girls and women in STEM research. Latter was largely the result of working at UNESCO Chair, Life Sciences International Postgraduate Educational Center as an editor of scientific journals.